Why Forcing children to write before 3 years is harmful
Did you know that a 3-year old (top left image) and a 6-year old (top right image) have significantly different skeletal structure in their hands?! Notice the bones in the wrist of the 3-year old -- many of them are still mostly cartilage! Look at all the spaces in between the bones where muscles and tendons will change through the years. Even the difference between a 6-year old and a 14-year old (lower right) is huge! Preschoolers have SO much development to do before they can write the way school-aged children or adults can! Please do NOT stress if your preschooler does not want to write or draw. Some love it and some don't. While they are growing, strengthen those little bones and muscles! Here are some great pre-writing, muscle-strengthening activities: * painting, drawing, coloring * playdough * tearing and cutting * gluing * poking holes in things (try toothpicks and paper!) * digging in dirt * building with LEGOS, marble runs, or ot...