
Showing posts from July, 2024

Why Dental Checkup is important for children?

What is Dental Check - Up? A dental check-up is a routine examination of the teeth, gums, and mouth to identify any oral health issues or potential problems.  During a dental check-up, a dentist or hygienist will typically: 1. Examine teeth for signs of decay, cracks, or wear 2. Check gums for signs of gingivitis, periodontitis, or recession 3. Evaluate bite and jaw alignment 4. Screen for oral cancer 5. Check for signs of teeth grinding or bruxism 6. Review dental work such as fillings, crowns, or bridges 7. Take X-rays (if necessary) to detect hidden problems 8. Provide oral hygiene advice and instructions 9. Discuss diet and nutrition as it relates to oral health 10. Schedule any necessary follow-up appointments or treatments Regular dental check-ups can help prevent oral health issues, detect problems early, and ensure a healthy, beautiful smile. Why do children need regular Dental Check ups? Children need dental check-ups for several reasons: 1. Early detection of oral health issu

Hot and Cold

Understanding The Hot And Cold Concept A basic understanding of temperature is a crucial life skill. Preschoolers can learn the differences between hot and cold through various simple yet effective activities. These concepts are best introduced through direct experiences, where children can feel the temperature differences and learn the appropriate language to describe them. Exploring temperature with preschoolers offers numerous benefits: Sensory Development: Sensory experiences are vital for building neural connections in the brain. Engaging with hot and cold objects helps children develop their tactile sense and learn to differentiate between different sensations. Language Development: As children explore temperature, they encounter new words and concepts related to hot and cold. This helps expand their vocabulary and understanding of the world. Cognitive Development: By comparing and contrasting temperatures, children begin to develop critical thinking skills, such as categorizatio

Thick and Thin - how to teach this concept easily to children

What Does Thick And Thin Mean? We call an object thick when the opposite sides or surfaces of that object are far or relatively far apart.  On the other hand, we call an object thin when the opposite surfaces or sides of that object are close or relatively close together. What Are Some Thick And Thin Objects? While teaching children the concept of thick and thin, we must include examples to make it easy for the children to understand the concept.  Below, we have explained thick vs thin for children, along with examples. Let’s take a look at them. Example Of Thick And Thin Objects An object is generally called thick or thin based on its width. Example 1:  In the image above, the tree on the left is thick, and the tree on the right is thin Example 2:  In the image above, the book on the left is thin, and the book on the right is thick. Example Of Thicker And Thinner Objects The terms thicker and thinner are generally used to compare two objects. Example 1:  In the image given above, the

ચંદીપુરા વાયરસના લક્ષણો અને સાવચેતીઓ

ચંદીપુરા વાયરસના  ચાંદીપુરા વાયરસ, ઉર્ફે ચાંદીપુરા વેસિક્યુલોવાયરસ (CHPV), એ RNA વાયરસ છે જે Rhabdoviridae પરિવારનો છે, જેમાં હડકવા વાયરસનો પણ સમાવેશ થાય છે. તેની ઓળખ સૌપ્રથમ 1965માં મહારાષ્ટ્રના એક ગામ ચાંદીપુરામાં થઈ હતી. વાયરસ મુખ્યત્વે બાળકોને અસર કરે છે અને ભારતમાં તીવ્ર એન્સેફાલીટીસના ફાટી નીકળવા સાથે સંકળાયેલ છે. એન્સેફાલીટીસ એ ચેપ અથવા સ્વયંપ્રતિરક્ષા પ્રતિભાવને કારણે મગજના સક્રિય પેશીઓની બળતરા છે. બળતરાને કારણે મગજ ફૂલી જાય છે, જેનાથી માથાનો દુખાવો, ગરદન અકડવી, પ્રકાશ પ્રત્યે સંવેદનશીલતા, માનસિક મૂંઝવણ અને હુમલા થઈ શકે છે. આ રોગ વેક્ટર-સંક્રમિત સેન્ડ-ફ્લાયના ડંખથી થાય છે અને તે મુખ્યત્વે 9 મહિના - 14 વર્ષની વયના બાળકોને અસર કરે છે.  ચાંદીપુરા વાયરસ એ ગંભીર રોગકારક રોગ છે જે ગંભીર લક્ષણોની ઝડપથી શરૂઆત કરે છે, મુખ્યત્વે અમુક પ્રદેશોમાં બાળકોને અસર કરે છે.  જો કે, આ રોગ ચેપી નથી. ચોક્કસ એન્ટિવાયરલ સારવારના અભાવને કારણે, પ્રારંભિક નિદાન અને સહાયક સંભાળ નિર્ણાયક છે. ચંદીપુરા વાઈરસના ચેપના લક્ષણો- ચાંદીપુરા વાયરસ ચેપના લક્ષણો ઝડપથી પ્રગતિ કરી શકે છે અને તેમાં નીચેનાનો સમાવેશ થાય છે:

Chandipura Virus Symptoms & Precautions

 Chandipura Virus Chandipura virus, aka Chandipura vesiculovirus (CHPV), is an RNA virus belonging to the Rhabdoviridae family, which also includes the rabies virus. It was first identified in 1965 in Chandipura, a village in Maharashtra. The virus primarily affects children and has been associated with outbreaks of acute encephalitis in India. Encephalitis is inflammation of the active tissues of the brain caused by an infection or an autoimmune response. The inflammation causes the brain to swell, which can lead to headache, stiff neck, sensitivity to light, mental confusion and seizures. This disease occurs by the sting of a vector-infected sand-fly and it mainly affects children aged 9 months - 14 years.  Chandipura virus is a serious pathogen with a rapid onset of severe symptoms, primarily affecting children in certain regions.  However, this disease is not contagious. Due to the lack of specific antiviral treatments, early diagnosis and supportive care are crucial. SYMPTOMS OF C