Parenting - Work In Progress

Hey Mom Harsha, I tried everything that you mentioned. Patience, self-talk, everything but nothing works. My children are still stubborn, and don't listen to me. throw tantrums etc etc etc etc. What to do? Well, Rome was not built in a day. So, miracles will take time. Not in 1 week, not in 1 month, they will take time. You have to be consistent, consistent and believe me, results will come. One - Mantra There is no such thing as Perfect Parenting if you understand this half of our problems will automatically vanish. The problem is when we want to be perfect. Parenting is a journey, an ongoing process, where you solve one problem another arises. Age, Stage, and Phases Newborn Infant Toddler Preschooler School-age Adolescent Adults Old age Every age has a phase. at every stage of the child, at every milestone of a child's journey nature and behavior, keep changing. The struggles, issues, and problems that the parent phases with the child are temp...