Monsoon Special

Monsoon is here, Lets welcome it.. Nature looks more beautiful in the Rains........ MONSOON HEALTH TIPS 1. Freshly Cooked Food: Typhoid is quite rampant during monsoon. It mainly affects children and occurs due to consumption of contaminated food or water. Thus to protect your child’s health this monsoon from contracting such ailments, ensure that they only eat freshly cooked food. Also, avoid street food along with meals in restaurants and hotels as there is no guarantee on how hygienic the food is. 2. Follow a Healthy Diet: Boost your child’s immunity. Ensure that their diet is balanced and rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants as it provides a lot of protective and nutritional value to the body. Avoid raw foods like salad and raw eggs as these can get contaminated fast. Thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables in clean water before using and avoid feeding your child leftover food unless it is re-heated properly. 3. Encourage Your Child To Drink ...