From The Director's Diary

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the Academic session 2024 - 25..

On behalf of Small Wonders Family, I Harsha.G.Ramaiya (Director Small Wonders) would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and assure you Tradition, Quality and Discipline...

We are looking forward to give our best and looking forward for your support...

Here is a piece of information that I would like you all to read, because your mindset as Parents is very important..

I believe that the foundation of our children can be strong, only of school and Parents have a good Partnership..

Let's join hands and do our best to make the future of our children bright...

 There is more to Education than Academics

Swami Vivekananda said,

“Education is not the amount of information that is put into your brain and runs riot there, undigested, all your life.

We must have life-building, man-making character-making assimilation of ideas.”

From Parents to teachers,

Everybody’s focus has tilted too much towards Academics.

What will a child do with science, if he doesn’t understand the science of life?

We teach our children to read and memorize history, but we don’t teach them to create history.

What will a child do with her first, second, and third languages, if her communication skills are not developed?

Let me not be misunderstood.

I am not saying that academics is nothing;

I am only asserting that academics alone do not complete education.

Academics is just one aspect of a child’s development and not the only element.

Academics alone is not life.

Every 1st-ranker does not necessarily come 1st in life, and

not all backbenchers have remained backbenchers.

We often see a ‘98% with an average understanding of life’ eventually working for a ‘72% with a comprehensive understanding of life ‘.

let us not confine our children to the syllabus completion only.

Let us expose them to life, of course, and also to academics.

Let us not only count their marks, but also, make their life count.

Thank You..

Yours loving

Mom Harsha

Credits to

Unposted Letter by 

Mahartria Ra


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