Mobiles have become a part of our daily life, we are addicted to mobiles very very much. We all are aware of the disadvantages of mobiles but our addiction does not allow us to make changes in ourselves.

The Disadvantages of Mobile

First of all, it decreases communication because you get so engrossed that you become isolated and gradually you lose interest to communicate.

Children engage themselves so much in mobiles that they are getting disconnected from the live environment around them their thinking capacity, their creativity is put to a full stop.

Children are becoming slaves of gadgets, and this addiction makes them irritable, restless anxious, wild, and also violent at times. The children's crime rate is increasing. 

In a recent episode in crime petrol, a boy of age 10-12 years committed suicide just because his mother took away the mobile. 

Just think how much this gadget is controlling the minds of our kids.

The Bluewhale Game

Also, the blue whale game is now hitting on to our teenagers. The effect of this game is so much that at the end the child is ready to commit suicide. I mean, my message is very clear that excessive use of mobile affects the brain and overtakes the child’s thinking capacity. 

The blue whale game is the best example to prove me right. The teenagers who are the victim of this game are the children who are given mobiles at a very early age and also without supervision. I have personally seen children reacting violently when mobiles are taken from them.

Children have lost interest in developing their hobbies. Rather than drawing, dancing, playing with friends, or playing any musical instruments they like to glue themselves to a couch with their mobiles. 

At any social gathering, movie, party, or religious occasion. We have always found children with their mobiles, are least aware of what is going around them.

Children are becoming mechanical

Children prefer to play on mobiles rather than outdoors which, I think is the biggest disadvantage of this gadget. Children are slowly becoming mechanical, later I think we will have a population of robots who have no brains and no feelings at all.

Here I would like to request the parents to avoid giving mobiles to children from a very early age. Children should be given mobiles with clear messages of their use and also parents should keep a watch when teenagers use social media as a platform to share their personal life.

Even parents should limit the use of mobiles, especially when we are with our kids. Mobile is the need of the hour, I do not disagree with this statement. We live in a techno-savvy age but it should not dominate or control us.

The irony at this point is that to promote my message to use fewer mobiles, I have to use mobile as a platform. 
Again I urge “no mobiles to kids please.” 

11 Tips for Gadget Free Family Time

Click on the youtube link to watch the episode on A big no to Kids for Mobile.


  1. well written, and i completely agree, children should have limited screen time as per their age. my son is 8 years old and sometimes he does use system to check projects or DIY's


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