PLAY: The Right of Children


PLAY: The Right of Children

Power of Play


The Present Scenario

In today’s world of competition, Play has taken a back seat. Parents believe that only academic achievement is important. 2 main reasons why Play has taken a back seat are the acceleration of academics and the trend of nuclear families, the children do not get the company to Play. In fact, the children cannot even decide what to Play and how to play on their own, if given time for free Play. Expectations of today’s parents are very high and they want their children to excel in everything. Every Freelance Activity of the child is converted into Formal Training. The play is now outdated.

Today’s children are like couch potatoes sitting in front of a device & enjoying. Here the interaction is one way. Children lose out on two-way communication & the interaction which happens when children Play with their peers.

Comparing the Past to the Present

Earlier the parents had to pull the kids indoors. Now the kids have to be pushed out of the house to Play. In the past children had ample time to Play, whereas the scenario today is exactly the opposite. Today Grades matter more as the result has to be put on social media and get more likes & comments.

Today’s kids are becoming violent and one of the major reasons is that kids are deprived of Play and there is no outlet for their emotions.

Let’s compare kids- Past - Present

Past - It was face to face interaction 

Present - its interaction with devices.

Past - Children had good stamina, enormous energy, good immunity, and patience. 

Present - children cannot stand under the sun even for 30 minutes, children have low immunity power & patience is Zero.

Power of Play

·        Play Relieves stress. ...

·        Play Improves brain function. ...

·        Play stimulates the mind and boosts creativity. ...

·        Play Improves relationships and your connection to others. ...

·        Play Keeps you feel energetic. ...

·        Play helps develop and improve social skills. ...

·        Play teaches cooperation with others. ..

·        Play enhances decision-making, logical & critical thinking

·        Play develops leadership qualities …

At the time of Play, the mind is open and the body is put to work. The body is in a state of enjoyment. The children become active & energetic. Research shows that Play improves children’s abilities to plan, organize, interact, and exchange emotions & also helps the children to be stress-free. Play is important to healthy brain development.

Under the Play policy by Early Childhood Association the Indian Pediatrics Association has decided to prescribe Two Hours of Play Daily


In the real world, backbenchers are far more effective in real-life situations than frontbenchers who excel in academics.

 In a TV commercial, a grandmother tells her granddaughter

Grandmother says – “When we were young the fields and open grounds were used for playing and now it is a competitive field for the children.”

 She further added – “For us competition was once but today for you all Competition is every day ..”

And then she encourages her Granddaughter to prepare herself for so-called competitions…

What a Pity….(Think about it)

A few indoor and outdoor games

Indoor Games - Brain Vita, Ludo, Name Place Animal Thing, Snakes & Ladder, Tic Tac Toe, Uno Cards, etc.

Outdoor Games – Dog & the Bone, 4 Corners, Hide & Seek, Hop Scotch, Kho – Kho, Langdi, Tug of War, etc.

Play – The Right of Childhood. Play creates Wonderful Memories for Life.

Blogger, Vlogger

Harsha G. Ramaiya

Founder & Director Small Wonders Family Bhavnagar,

ECA Core Committee Member,

President TIE Association,



  1. Excellent Ma'am. This should reach to each and every parent and even to the teachers also. For the complete growth of a child "Play" must be included in their daily routine. Schools also have to plan their activities which can bust up Play as well academics.

  2. Very true.... Play plays an important role in child's development

  3. Fully agree with this... Play time is most important for kids for mental and physical development...


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