Focus On Building A Strong Foundation


Focus On Building A Strong Foundation  


 We (Parents) today, do not want our kids to lag behind in any walk of life. We are academic performance, obsessed people. We want our children not only to do well but excel.

As a result, we force our kids to start writing from a very early age, we don’t even wait for the development and readiness of the child. We admit them early to school, and for this, we go to the extent of converting any freelance activity into formal training. 

Today children do not enjoy any activity that merely gives them fun, Learning outcome is expected by us out of every activity that the child does.

Herd mentality

Putting the child in formal school before the child is ready.

admitting the child to Nursery Class even if the child doesn't meet the age criteria.

A few parents, also manipulate the birth certificate of the child in order to take admission to the school.

Combining any two Grades together in 1 year, for example doing L.Kg & U.Kg together in 1 year.

The explanation here is one full year will be wasted just for a few months… 

No focus on the developmental stage and growth of the child is even thought…

Let's Think about this -

  • Does a child of one day and a child of six months, both are the same -Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and otherwise???

The answer to this question will help us understand the importance of developmental stages


Zero to Five years …..Foundation years

The first five years of a child’s life are very important. The experiences and relationships stimulate the child’s overall development.

The brain develops faster in the first five years and so it’s all the more important to focus on giving a child the environment to grow rather than the pressure of academics.


Right age

The right age for admission is

3 years and above – Nursery

4 years and above – Junior KG

5 years and above – Senior KG

6 years and above – 1st standard


A normal classroom with a capacity of 25 to 30 children has a variety of children whose ages differ in that particular year.

 So how can you even think of comparing them with each other? Their capabilities will differ according to their age.


 Dear Parents kindly consider the following factors before admitting your child to school:-

1.     Age

2.     Readiness to learn

3.     Nature of the child

4.     Health conditions of the child

5. Socioeconomic factors….



When admitted to Nursery before the recommended age, the children face the following problems:-

1.     The children today are from nuclear families. They lack the maturity to face the outer world as compared to kids earlier.


2.     Due to early admission their foundation remains weak. The children burn out on studies and learning, by the age of 10-11, the repercussions of this are seen later

     Their grades drop and they lose their confidence.

5 Stages of Child Development


Children Develop Skills In 5 Main Areas of Development

1. Fine & Gross Motor Development of The Child.

2. Sensory Development

3. Language Development

4. Social & Emotional Development

5. Cognitive Development  


We directly focus on the writing and reading skills of the child. Actually, these skills come later in the graph of the development of the child.


Writing Readiness and Pre-Writing Skills –

Prewriting skills are very important for children to develop the ability of Holding & Moving a Pencil effectively.

Earlier children played in the mud and were close to nature so their fingertips and muscles were developed well. So expose children to nature.

The fingertip muscles of children today are underdeveloped, as they use screens often.


Prewriting Activities

The Following Activities will help the Children Develop their Fingertip Muscles, Palm Muscles, Hand & Finger Strength, Hand-Eye Co-ordination, Pincer Grasp & Tripod Grasp. These activities help to contribute to the Child’s Ability to Hold, Use a Pencil, Draw, Write, Copy & Colour.

1.     Play Dough

2.     Tracing - Sensory Trays

3.     Lacing Activities

4.     Threading Beads

5.     Transfer objects with tweezers, tongs, ink droppers, sponges, etc.

6.     Opening and closing of jar lids and clothes Pins

7.     Buttoning & Zipping



We need to have patience & wait for the child to be developmentally ready for formal education.

The poor foundation is the root cause that leads to dropouts in the future.

Treat every Child as an Individual.


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