Over shielding your child will make him/her more fragile


Shielding / Over Protecting Makes the child more & more Fragile and this results in an immature adult of tomorrow.

Parents over-shield children and this leads them to become incapable of handling touch situations that are bound to confront in life.
We want a tough generation ahead but our overshielding makes them weak. we should introduce children to failure and allow them to take failure with ease even parents should take failure with ease as actually, it is very normal to fail.

Far from being tough individuals, our children are becoming more fragile.
This trend is being reformed by society. much as being said about over-parenting, and helicopter parenting, it's high time now to tell the parents to stop overprotecting their children from life's changes of circumstances or fortunes, parents are not fortune makers.

Children must be allowed to feel sad or disappointed at times.
children must learn to cope with setbacks or failures, and defeats, this is how fragile factor affects

You can spoil a child -

  • By giving them an overabundance of materialistic things.,
  • By trying to keep the child constantly happy and cheerful
  • Taking away all the downs of a child's life and sanitizing the child leads to a disastrous childhood.

The child will find it difficult to cope and face the adversities that life will throw at him

Failure is a part and parcel of life, if we do not teach the children to accept failure, we fail as parents.

Children should be introduced to failures from a very early age, like not winning a school competition

The parents should celebrate the child's performance so that the child feels happy.
Parents are intensively career-oriented and achievement-oriented they do not want to children to lose. This reaction of the parents is transferred to the child and hence the child concentrates on winning if he doesn't win he becomes anxious, restless, disturbed, and disappointed and this lead to a child becoming fragile.

The children should grow up with the normal doses of success and failure.
Children should be encouraged to use the trial and error method, this method will encourage the child to attempt and accept the consequences,
but sadly today there is no space for failure in today's children.


A sports meet was there the child did not win after the program was over.
The father took the child to the winning stand and took a photograph, this episode seems very simple,
but let's understand what happens to a child's mind.

Do you think that father was helping the child??
here the father was making the child understand that winning is important,
in fact, the father could have easily helped the child to accept the failure by celebrating the child's performance.

Do think about this episode deeply,

1. Parents' actions leave an impact on the child's mind forever.
2. If the parents accept it easily the child will definitely accept mostly is difficult for parents to digest the failure so children become fragile.
3. Every child must learn to accept criticism and not take every casual light-hearted comment to be very seriously to their heart.
4. Child must learn to stand to his/her own principle and expresses their own opinions when it really matters.


The child should learn to -

1. Accept the failure gracefully.
2. Respond to failure positively.
3. Takes the ups and downs of his/her own life.
4. Learn that failure is a normal failure.

Parents' constant interference and over-protection will only make the child weak and more fragile.
We as parents should look forward to building a tough child today, who will be a mature adult tomorrow.
Today's fragile children will be tomorrow's weak and immature adults.

To watch the episode kindly click on the link:


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