Moms & ME Time


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What is Me Time?

The time spent for ourselves, to make ourselves relaxed, stress-free, and most importantly happy is “ME TIME”

Mostly Moms work and help everyone in the family. They look after the needs and comfort of everyone but they take little care of themselves. When you ask a mom about their favorite dish, the obvious reply will be - what everybody likes.

Moms are early risers and the last member to sleep in the family. Moms cannot afford to be sick, in fact, if they are unwell they won't even rest.

Moms live with the guilt that they cannot enjoy without their family, specifically their children. A mom's world revolves around the family and the only family.

Why Me Time?

Motherhood is the toughest job, no doubt its Rewarding Moms need ME Time to manage stress Me Time Refuels, Rejuvenates, and Refreshes Me Time helps you to connect to your own self...

ME Time is now much needed because time and the generation have changed

Be Positive
Never feel guilty for taking ME TIME Taking out time for MeTime doesn't label you as a bad parent.

Tips for Me Time :

Me Time is a simple thing, just doing something that you like, maybe 10min each day.

1. Don't feel guilty and permit yourself to be happy.
2. Develop a hobby dance/sing/paint/write/craft etc....
3. Take a tini-mini break.
4. Go for dinner/coffee with your girl's gang.
5. Share responsibilities/ ask for help.
6. Going for nail art.
7. Take a good hair/body spa.
8. Just talking or sometimes healthy gossiping over the phone ( gossiping is not bitching ) and venting out is very important.
9. You can add your ideas to spend your Me Time.

During ME TIME make sure you don’t think of anything else but your own self

Eventually, your kids will grow up and go away one fine day in their world and life, At that time a traditional mom is mostly left alone, but if you have your own little space it will help you age gracefully.

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