
Talk to yourself with Respect & Belief : 

  • Self-Talk is a part of our day-to-day lives almost every moment
  • We are participating in some sort of talk either with ourselves or others.
  • Self-Talk is a conscious process to rebuild your system & it's a very automatic process.

In today's life, depression and stress are becoming normal. There is a lot of negativity all around us & so positive self-talk will help.

Children are growing up with this negativity, which affects their mental & emotional life. 

Infusing positive ideas is the best way to help them lead a better life.

Sub-Conscious Mind  :

Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality - Earl Nightingale

The way we talk to ourselves becomes our INNER VOICE.

Parents always use the word NO more often than YES

This affects the child's mind because he is dealing with more than 100 or 200 NO'S in a single day.

Interesting Research - About NO

For instance, if I tell you - 

Don't Think Of a Yellow Elephant - 

what will you think ??? - 

Naturally, about the yellow elephant the same thing happens with a child, every NO we tell them actually takes them there.

The solution to this is - 

To give them an option of what has to be done, we simply tell the children, don't do this, but we don't complete by saying what to do, this confuses the child and ultimately child lands up doing what he is told NO of. 

Incomplete Instruction :

Just saying No - " Don't do this or Don't do that " - is an incomplete instruction.

Instead - Try this - 

complete instruction - example 

Don't make the house dirty - Try to say - 

Keep the house clean, you can also add a reason to this - 

Do not make the house dirty - Because it is our house, how can we keep our house clean ??? - encourage the child to replay. 

We keep the house clean by putting litter into the dustbin.

By keeping the shoes in their place.

This will give the child a clear idea & a sense of responsibility.

What you tell yourself every day will - 

Either lift you up or Tear you down

We keep on talking to ourselves, knowingly or unknowingly, loudly or silently. 

Everyone talks to themselves. But most of the time, what we talk about is negative.

It is high time that we introspect ourselves and choose the Right, Positive, and Affirmative thoughts and Sentences.

Self-Talk is not just about thinking positively, but believing it strongly & manifesting the thought.

it is a very systematic way of reflecting on our situations, our actions, and our own emotions.

Thoughts Emotions and Actions :

Our thoughts have a direct influence over what we feel, &  how we act. So if we are able to regulate this point of thought, then that emotional balance naturally sets in.

This balance is of utmost importance when we experience critical situations in life. The stability comes when we start observing, questioning, and reflecting on our own thoughts.

Self-Talk Habit : 

Parents should inculcate the habit of self-talk from a very early age. As the child grows into an adult, 

It is how you program your mind to react to a particular situation.

Self-Talk is going to help the children as well as the parent.

Our brain is naturally trained to learn something and then automate the process, for instance, cycling, you know you learn cycling and then it just happens

it's a subconscious process it just goes on.

We have to take some time, to relax our mind, relax our entire body, this relaxation is very important.

Primarily because when the body and mind are absolutely relaxed the brain waves change & that's when there's a bridge between the conscious and the subconscious mind is created.

The upcoming generation is emotionally Imbalanced, and self-talk can really help them be emotionally balanced.

Self-Talk will calm down their thought process, and they will be at ease themselves and look in a better way

Why do we have an emotionally imbalanced generation broken??? 

Children have learned from us

The parents of today are very prompt in reacting and also aggressive. First, it begins with the parents, then comes the children.

Relax Jennifer Relax

Mr. Mahatria Rai, - wonderful story - 

At a supermarket, there was a mother and a daughter (age 2 years), and the daughter was crying her lungs out. Throwing tantrums in the store.

The mother continuously kept saying, " Jennifer relax, Jennifer you are a nice girl".

" Jennifer, you can handle the situation very nicely".

 " Jennifer this is a public place, you have to behave yourself". and so on.

There was an old man looking at the whole situation and he could not stop himself, from asking the mother - " Ma'am don't you think, this language is an over mature language for a 2-year-old child to understand". 

To this, the mother replied - " sir, I am talking to myself - my name is Jennifer".

This is how self-talk helps.

Click on the youtube link to watch the episode on self-talk.


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