What is yoga?

        Yoga is a mental and spiritual practice that you should do in your daily life, to feel the consciousness about your mind, body, and soul, to feel that connection between all these three you need and should practice yoga daily.

        It’s not necessary that one must go with only meditation but you can also practice surya namaskar, basic asanas …..

Information about some styles of yoga.

There are different 8 styles of yoga


        The first one is at a very basic level for beginners, it is called hatha yoga which is at a very basic level as it has all the basic postures.


        The second one is vinyasa, vinyasa is a yoga, where you are actually in a specific set of postures, it starts with breathing and then asanas, so it’s like the full package, unlike hatha yoga which is more flexible.


        Next is Bikram yoga where room-temp. should be hot, it is mostly for those who have blood circulation problems, and it is good for them, there are 24 postures in Bikram yoga, which anyone can practice, the basic room temp needed is 30 degrees to 40 degrees, if you are flexible you can go till 45 degrees.


        Another one is Ashtanga asana, which is a practice where there is a series, first one is Surya namaskar, and then further postures which are for experienced people.


        The next one is Hot yoga where there are no specific postures, it is supposed to be done in hot temp. , it helps to lose your body, it also includes breathing exercises, also those who think that they have somebody pain can practice this.


        Next is Iyengar yoga, which is also for beginners, it uses props that include: - a chair, stool, bricks, ropes, strips, etc... They are used to see if the postures are done correctly or not

        As yoga is all about correct postures, if they are not done correctly it may harm your body.


        Next is kundalini yoga where one needs to be very focused, there are breathing exercises included in this, if you take 4-5 postures then you need to focus on it and do it with full concentration and need to take it slowly here experience the chakras, mind, body, and soul that all are attached only if you are at an intense level in yoga

        Kundalini yoga is something that will make your body flexible but for that, you need to understand all the asanas and all the exercises, one needs to know how to start and end them properly, it is also important you need to know your breathing pattern.


        Next is restorative yoga, which means the moves of your postures should be very slow, you need to do 3-4 postures in an hour, it is much relative to kundalini yoga it can be done by beginners, you can do basic postures, need to take regular breaks while doing this yoga

Most of the time what people do is - watch CDs and then practice yoga so how far is this correct

        No, actually if you are experienced, you know how to breathe, in cd they show the process, and most of them show it properly but not all the time, if you do not have proper knowledge about yoga and its process, how do start, how to take it to the end and finally how to end it, if you do not have that knowledge it might go wrong and 

you have to be careful with asanas.

One helpful tip: - 

Go for a trainer while doing yoga who can guide you properly

We have heard that yoga can be used as mental therapy so how good and helpful is that?

        There are different times for techniques in yoga which can be beneficial there are certain asanas, there as Surya namaskar, or breathing exercises that can be helpful

How yoga can help to get out of depression.

Nowadays today’s generation is not well focused, it is always in a great hurry and if something little goes off they will start a panic, so for this, if they try to meditate and keep their mind calm, they can do Surya namaskar and try to look for the positive side of a different situation

Well you see Surya namaskar is quite a thing which is very helpful for every problem, there are also different types of Surya namaskar

Well, in Suryanamaskar there are 12 postures, there are also different types for eg. Chandranamaskar, then Suryanamaskar for the intense level

Once you learn the basic 12 postures of surya namaskar, one can go for surya namaskar A&B which are for intense level

Benefits of Surya Namaskar:-

Your body will tone up

Your body will be used from head to toe, it gives flexibility

Your body will get used to exercise

How can yoga be beneficial for the removal of diseases, which are a few diseases which can be cured through yoga...

  • Abdominal disorder
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Cold
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Depression
  • Polycystic ovaries
  • Liver problems
  • All kinds of body pain
  • Kidney problem
  • Sinus
  • Menopause
  • Menstruation
  • Reproduction
  • Piles
  • Etc….

For eg…

        If we want to cure headaches we can make sure that in daily life we keep our body posture proper while standing, sitting, sleeping

        And if anyone has a migraine they can practice savasana, padmasan,  hasta padmasana, and setu bandh asana, these are a few basic postures.

        Even piles can be cured with the help of yoga, Matsya sana, Sarvangasana, Sirsa sana, padmasan, parigha sana, and tadasana are a few postures that can help with piles.

        Also, diet plays an imp role while practicing yoga, as 99 % of the focus is on your diet or lifestyle and 1 % is on posture

There are three types of food we take

        One is Rajasik which includes, non-veg, onion, garlic, etc

        Then there is tamasic food which includes tea, coffee, salt, black salt, etc.

        Then finally sattvik food which includes vegetables, pulses, etc…

        So basically one must make a particular schedule for having sattvic food, it’s not compulsory to have a strict schedule, it's okay to have one cheat day a week.

What is the difference between yoga and gym / physical exercise?

        Yoga and gym are totally different, yoga is something that can help you to gain peace of mind and increase concentration, it helps you to connect your mind, body, and soul, and feel eternal peace while the gym is to make muscles and do physical exercise, and it has nothing to do with mental peace and concentration

        In the gym one has to use supplements, which are not good for your health they are one type of steroid…

What is meditation ???

        Meditation is for physical and mental stress people suffer from, it’s not necessary that one to take out a specific type to do meditation or get into a quiet form, it can be also practiced while going to sleep at night, one has to only give 10 min, you can also practice it with slow, mindful music.

        With the help of meditation, one can awaken chakras which will initially heal your all pain 

What is AUM ???

        AUM is actually an energetic word that is a sacred symbol, yoga begins and ends with AUM chanting which is for the warm-up and for inner peace too. One can also start your day with AUM chanting and then meditation, which has a very positive vibration  

Does all the school must include yoga in their schedule?

        Today’s generation feels yoga, and meditation are boring so the school must provide the postures with creativity, for e.g., Tara san is a tree asana so they can ask children to do it with nature, do it while trying to touch the tree, etc…

        Schools must provide proper sessions to develop proper methods for breathing which are very imp for children.

       Yoga develops confidence, calmness, and tolerance power increases in children.


   Following are the basic postures:-

  • Padmasan
  • Tarasan
  • Padottanasana
  • Uttanasana
  • Matyasana
  • Uttan , avtan padasana
  • Vimanasana
  • Balasana
  • Special tips


        Yoga is something that can cure any disease so give at least 10- 15 min to yourself, and do natural exercise such as yoga, meditation, AUM chanting, running, etc.


Click on the YouTube link to watch the episode on International yoga day.


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