Behavior Management & Strategies

Behavior Management & Strategies

Understanding children and their behavior.

Role Model :

Parents have to be role models for their children and practice what they preach.

For kids of 0 to 6 years, actions speak louder than words. Children observe and learn.

For Example:

Good morning, if you want your child to say Good morning, rather than always telling or instructing the child, you as a parent, say it always automatically it will be noticed by the child.

Some children tend to notice and implement fast a few take some time, and few won't but in any case, nagging will not help. 

Children who talk at home have a feeling of ownership. They feel that “the kingdom is mine.” 

Children are individuals and have a nature and personality of their own.

Children should be heard when they speak. Respect even a two-year-old child. Attend them if you want to be attended by them later.

Types of behavior seen in children of  0 to 6 years.

Children interrupt when people talk. That is because parents always give instructions to the children but do not give an ear to what they are saying. 

The children don’t get ample time to speak. Parents give too many instructions which can’t be registered together in the child’s mind.  

Children are talkative and have lots of words to express. That is their outlet of emotion.

When children don’t get an outlet they will scream and shout.

Types of children based on their personality.

We need to identify the child.

  • Introvert 
  • Extrovert
  • Sensitive
  • Emotional
  • Aggressive

For example, talking about shy kids. They would run away when asked to recite a rhyme or in front of guests.

For example, talking about aggressive kids they shout, scream, and throw tantrums.

What are the strategies that can be used?

Let us have a look at these situations - 

  • When kids are shy, they should be given time to prepare themselves for speaking in front of others. Let them come up and say that they are ready.
  • Aggressive kids should be given an atmosphere of physical movement. They should be allowed to move their hands, legs, and body. These kids have high energy levels.
  • Their energy levels should have an outlet. They should do physical exercise, scream, and have an outlet. They have a medium of expression.

Important factors which are forgotten - 

Quality Time :

Speaking about quality time, we should have uninterrupted quality time with our kids. 

During the uninterrupted quality time, parents should keep their eyes and ears open. They should not speak. 

Parents should to their kids every day. 

No Negatives : 

Instead of using the word “No” we can be Affirmative.

As an example: 

If the floor is wet we immediately tell an approaching child no. Instead, we can say “What will we do if the floor is wet beta?”

This requires a lot of practice. We can even write and inculcate this habit.

Touch Therapy :

Touch therapy is all about emotional touch and physical touch. 

During the age of 0 to 6 years, parents should create a special bonding with kids by hugging and kissing them every day. 

This touch is helpful because this touch gives immediate help to calm and understand the child when he or she throws tantrums. 

Children who show tantrums lack emotional touch. 

Whenever the child throws tantrums, do not correct the child or share knowledge. 

Let him release. If we correct the child at that time he or she will not understand and do more.

Family Time

For cultivating good habits in the child in a nuclear family both parents should speak the same language and work together as a team. 

Whenever a child makes an effort the family members need to identify, recognize and acknowledge it.

In a joint family one person should deal with the child and other members must abide by it.

Do's and Don’ts - 

Do’s :  

Appreciate the effort of kids and be affirmative.

Every night during prayer have touch therapy with kids.

Don’ts : 

Never offer gifts to children to make them listen to you.

Don’t appreciate the child alone. It makes him hungry for praise.

Screen time :

0-6 years

Screen time should be monitored. There should be proper interaction with the kids after their screen time. 

Some things are not in control. 

Whenever they watch cartoons with villains or things having negativity they should be asked about it and they should be taught why such things are incorrect not by enforcing it on them but by asking them such questions which lead to positive answers.

Teens : 

Where teens are concerned it is very important to talk to them about what they watch however their screen time cannot always be monitored.


W - Willing & welcoming

A - Acceptable & Adjustable

I - Incomparable & Involved

T - Thoughtful & thankful

Some quick answers to the audience :

Q1. What can be done about kids who are shy and do not wish to go on stage?

Ans: Parents need to wait and give them the freedom to move forward. All the children have individual qualities. 

Don't think those children who are shy will not shine? 

We should not push them but we can encourage them by saying “Next time we will try.”

Q2. How to handle aggressive children?

Ans: To avoid answering back, harsh and rude behavior by aggressive children who also fiddle everywhere, we should give them an outlet to release their energy. 

Once action is provided automatically they will calm down when they are tired.

Q3. How to handle parents?

Ans: It is easy to handle a hundred children but not easy to handle a parent. 

Orientation is the best answer. It is important to regularly orient the parent. 

The parents are clueless and they have to be given confidence. 

For them, it is the only child. They have all the time for their beloved kids. 
They want the teachers to take the same care. They need to be convinced that teachers give a lot of time and effort. 
The role of the school is very important here to explain to the parents when they should intervene and what is their role.

Q4. How to explain the difference between good behavior and bad behavior to a three-year-old?

Ans: While playing ghar, ghar, or doctor, doctor we can have role play and do a wrong act which they can identify and not do.

We can teach them sharing and caring. We can teach them no pushing and no shouting.


Beneath every behavior there is a feeling 

and beneath each feeling there is need.

When we meet that meet rather than focusing on the behavior we began to deal with the cause and not the symptom.


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