Education System in India

One size fits all ???

Typical Exam or Assessment Pattern in India

Well, as you can see in the above picture there are different animals put in a row and  the teacher is ready for the exam.

Subject of the Exam - Tree Climbing.

Lets think this way -

Keep the picture in mind and think of your child's  school and his classroom.

Exam - Any subject - Students - Teacher

All children  are different , they have different likings, behavior , talents etc..

The understanding level, the capacity, the capability of each child is different, but all are same when its exam time. 

now lets switch to the picture.....

The animals are being told  " its your exam today and for  that, you all have to climb the tree."

The fish , elephant , horse etc. all animals have to climb the tree.


A+ - If you climb it

B- if you fall

C- if you cannot

What do you think, what will be the result of the Fish??
What will be the Fish's Grades??

Obviously - C

Now, Pause and think.
Is Fish a failure just because, it cannot climb -
Is this a fair exam.....

If your answer is NO - Well then I am Happy but, the same happens with your child...
What happens to you when your child gets a B or a C grade.???
How is your reaction, do you think about the child as an individual ???

No- For us what matters is GRADES.....

"Every flower in the garden, blossoms at is own time"
if we force to blossom -  What will happen    ???
Children -
1. Loose interest & Kills Curiosity 
2. High rates of mental illness
3.  Learn to lie or cheat & become rebellious
4. Refuse to participate
5. Self Esteem problems
6. Sleep Deprivation
7. Parent child bonding is affected

Its not a parents fault, we all are conditioned in way that, we appreciate only scholars..
We cannot accept that our child gets lower grades, if the child gets lower grades, immediate action is taken to put the child to tuitions, or cut down play time etc....

Do we ever think of the child as an individual???

For us ........

Average is not O.K. 

Today parents are running behind grades only and trying all ends so that the child gets A Grade in all the subjects.

Weak Foundation

Look at the picture carefully.. it says it all.

We don't even think about the foundation, we just want the child to excel. the method doesn't matter, our child's ability, strength and interest, expertise doesn't matter, we want results, PERIOD....

Now, Lets assume the fish to be our child and ….

The fish can't climb tree, its expertise is in swimming. (Pause and Think)

Same happens with our children...

The education system of India & the Mindset of parents are same. we want A Grade in each and every subject. the child not the center of the entire process, the result is the force, that pushes the parents to expect more and child to stress more....

lets understand this - Lets deep dive …


In school we have a teacher for every subject , means different teacher will teach different subjects. 

7 subjects 7teachers, but one child is learning all the subjects, and we expect the child to excel in all the subjects. 

Is this fair ?- think about it. 

Practically this is difficult , because while learning a child develops interest and learning to any subject and same way develops disliking for any subject , this is natural . why don't we understand this simple thing .

Isn't it same to ask a fish to climb a tree and excel .

In this entire process of forcing a child,  what happens is the child also looses his interest in that one subject where he is already doing well and ,where his actual expertise is. this develops disliking towards the entire learning process.

Extra curricular activities 

Parents send their children to extra curricular activities from the very young age, since they are 3 years. they are put into different classes, art class, dance class, yoga, chess, sports etc.. 

This is not the correct method, because at this age child's likings continuously keep changing. 

Avoid classes that have long duration for one activity

Till age of 6, there is no need to send kids to any activity classes, of which the duration is one hour, because the attention spam of this children is very less, they want to switch activities fast. 

In these classes the activities last for minimum one hour, though there are breaks in between but the activity remains the same. 

That is why we see children when they are enrolled the enthusiasm level is very high and slowly it ends up in bottom.

Limited attention span

Instead to engage the child find an option which offers multiple and variety of activities in one place and the time span is less, also indoor and outdoor free play should be apart of there routine.

Focus on Exploration

Till the age of 6 years of age let them explore and only explore. do not focus on learning , dance , drawing, yoga , etc.. focus on their active participation. 

Make sure that there is no pressure of learning and its not result oriented. 

Focus only and only on participation and enjoyment. foundational years are very crucial.

Do not over burden the child to learn and only learn.

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