Before and After - how to teach this concept easily to children

 "Before" and "After" can be explained using simple examples:

- Something happens first.
- Comes earlier.
Example: "You eat breakfast before you go to school."

- Something happens later.
- Comes next.
Example: "You play outside after you finish your homework."

1) Before Number
Before number means a number lies left to the given number on the number line. This number is one less than the given number.

  • Example 1: What comes before the number 5.

Solution: Count the numbers serially from 1 to 5.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
We can see that the number 4 comes before the number 5.

2) After Number
After number means a number lies right to the given number on the number line. This number is one more than the given number.

  • Example 1: What comes after the number 2.

Solution: Count the numbers serially from 1 to 5.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
We can see that the number 3 comes after the number 2.

Activities That Will Help Your Kids To Learn Before, After And In Between Numbers

1. Playing Card

Take a deck of playing cards and ask your child to draw one card.

Ask them the number on the card and tell them that they have to say the number that comes before and after that number.

2. Hopscotch Game

Write down numbers on the floor and ask your child to first identify and then hop to the number you will say. 

For example, when you will say, “Hop to the number that comes before 5,” your child has to identify that the number is 4 and then hop towards the number.

3. Worksheet

On a sheet, write down a few numbers and ask your child to fill in the correct numbers in the blanks. 

For example, you can use the following numbers for the worksheet:

  • _, 10, 11
  • 65, 66, _


  • 9, 10, 11
  • 65, 66, 67

We hope this article helped your little one to learn about before, after, and in-between concepts in mathematics.

Keep practicing with the help of the activities shared above, and your child will learn it in no time.


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