Left and Right - how to teach this concept easily to children

Explain with your hands: Tell children that what's closer to their right hand is on the right, and what's closer to their left hand is on the left. 

 This also concerns directions – to the right, to the left.

For example, you can say "This tree is on the left and this dog is on the right".

How To Teach Left And Right To Preschoolers

1. Use Concrete Examples

Use everyday objects, such as toys or household items, to show your child the difference between left and right. For example, you can hold up a crow and say “This is the left side of the” and hold up a snake “This is the right side of the.”

2. Use Hand Gestures

Teach your child to point to their left and right sides using their fingers or entire hand. 

You can also use hand gestures to show left and right when giving directions.

3. Use Verbal Cues

Use words and phrases like “on the left” and “on the right” to describe the position of objects.

4. Play Games

You can play many games to help your child practice left and right. 

For example, you can play a game where you hide an object and give your child directions to find it using left and right.

5. Use Visual Aids

You can also use visual aids like pictures or diagrams to help your child understand left and right.

6. Repeat And Reinforce

Repetition is important for young children learning new concepts. 

Use left and right frequently when interacting with your child and reinforce their understanding by regularly reviewing the concepts.

7. Use Musical Cues

You can also use music to help your child learn left and right. 

For example, you can use a simple tune and assign a specific hand gesture to each direction (e.g. left hand on left ear for “left”)

8. Incorporate Left And Right Into Everyday Activities

Look for opportunities to use left and right in everyday activities, such as dressing, setting the table, or playing games.

9. Use Real-Life Examples

Use real-life examples to help your child understand left and right. 

For example, you can point to the left and right sides of your own body or the body of a stuffed animal.

10. Be Patient And Encouraging

Learning new concepts can be challenging for young children. 

Be patient and encourage your child as they learn left and right.

Games and Activities Of Left And Right For Kids

1. Simon Says

This classic game is a fun way to help kids practice left and right. 

You can give commands like “Simon says touch your left ear” or “Simon says touch your right foot.”

2. Follow the Leader

Choose a leader and have the other children follow them around, copying their movements. 

The leader can incorporate left and right movements, such as “step to the left” or “turn to the right.”

3. Scavenger Hunt

Hide objects around the room and give kids directions to find them using left and right. 

For example, “Find the toy car that is to the left of the couch.”

4. Red Light, Green Light

This game is played like the traditional “Red Light, Green Light” game, but with the added twist of using left and right. 

The leader can call out “Left!” or “Right!” and the kids have to respond by moving in the corresponding direction.

5. Left and Right Musical Chairs

Set up chairs in a row, with one less chair than the number of players. 

Play music and have the kids walk in a circle around the chairs. 

When the music stops, the kids must find a chair and sit down. The player who doesn’t find a chair is out. 

To add a left and right element, the leader can call out “Left foot on a chair!” or “Right hand on a chair!” and the kids must respond by putting their corresponding body part on a chair.

6. Obstacle Course

Set up an obstacle course and give kids directions to navigate it using left and right. 

For example, “Crawl under the table and then take two steps to the right.”

7. Left and Right Simon

This is a variation on Simon Says where the leader calls out actions and the kids have to respond by touching their left or right body parts. 

For example, “Simon says touch your right elbow!”

8. Left and Right Matching

Cut out a set of left and right hands and feet from construction paper. 

Mix them up and have kids match the left and right body parts together. 

You can also use other objects, such as toys or household items, to create a matching game.

It is important to be patient and to give your child plenty of opportunities to practice and learn about left and right at their own pace. 

With time and practice, your child should be able to understand and use left and right with ease.



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