
M - Mind your thoughts Thoughts can be our best friends or our worst enemies. everything that comes out in this world is the first thought in the mind. Thoughts carry a vibration and further become words. Right thoughts create the right vocabulary, and negative thoughts create a negative vocabulary. Thoughts continuously keep flowing in our minds, we have to be alert and keep minding our thoughts. we have to learn to program our minds to think right. I - Invest Time in understanding your thoughts Thought is like clouds in the sky, they keep coming and moving in our minds. We have to learn to first understand our thoughts, once we start understanding our thoughts, we will then be able to sort them into positive and negative brackets. Do not stop the thought coming in, allow it to flow but understand the thought, this will help you become relaxed. N - Notice Find some time, periodically in a day when you are in a silent zone. 10minutes. In this period stay away from gad...