Things we model for our kids whether we know it or no.

Things we model for our kids whether we know it or no. Basically our children are imitators copycats so whatever we do they copy and especially not the good things, but the bad things are replicated faster. Bacche sunte nahi hai...... Listen to me..... As parents we mostly struggle to make our children listen to us. Our greatest problem or issue is to make our children listen and obey to what we say. What to do ??? If we always want our children to listen to us - Generally we command or instruct. Our instruction or command is generally like this - "Listen to me", " Why don't you listen to me " ??? Read this sentence again - it says ME and that's were the problem is. Me, Myself and I are wrong words for a healthy conversation. Why ???? Because everyone in this world, may it be toddler, a youngster, a middle-aged person, everybody struggles to find a listener. Listening shows kids they matter, we love them and their words are very impor...